1. Visit the FTP Manager in the hosting Control Panel.
2. Click the Config File button there for the FTP user you wish to connect with.
3. Click the Download config file button to download the XML configuration file to your local computer.
4. Use the File/Import menu of FileZilla to import the configuration file to the program.
5. Use the Site Manager of FileZilla to connect with the newly imported configuration.
1. Open FileZilla.
2. From the menu bar click File > Site Manager.
3. If you are adding an FTP site for the first time, FileZilla will offer you to configure New site directly. Otherwise, click on the New Site button to create a new FTP site.
Type your domain name in the Host field. In this manual, we are using example.com, but you should replace that with your actual domain name.
In the Server Type field leave the default FTP - File Transfer Protocol value.
Select Normal for Logon Type.
Specify the FTP login details you want to connect with in the User and Password fields. Normally, you would want to connect with your main Control Panel username/password pair. In case you want to connect with an FTP subuser you previously created in the FTP Manager section of your hosting Control Panel, you need to enter the login details for that particular user.
4. Click the Transfer Settings tab.
Set the Transfer mode to Passive.
Mark the Limit number of simultaneous connections checkbox and set the Maximum number of connections value to five.
5. Click the Connect button.
6. Once connected, you will see the list of your files on the server as well as a list of the local files and folders on your computer. You can upload your files there via drag-and-drop. To download, just do the opposite -- drag and drop from the server file list to a local folder on your computer.
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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