The Header filters subsection of the hosting Control Panel's Mail Manager section allows you to selectively filter out incoming email messages based on the contents of their headers. Email message headers are added to a message by the sending email software, and most of them are visible only when you view the email message source. Instructions on how to view the full message headers in some of the most popular email software applications are available in our Viewing e-mail message headers article.
Please note that using header filters requires some general knowledge of how the email system works.
Step-by-step instructions on how to add header filters are available in our Adding header filters article.
You can find information about the available filtering options and a description of the message headers below:
You can select from the following actions which will be taken when the header filter matches a message:
The filter conditions allow you to define the exact criteria for matching in the incoming message - header, string, and comparison. You can add conditions by using the +Add button, and you can use up to five conditions for a single filter. To remove a condition, click on the Trash icon next to it.
You can select the email header that should be matched by the filter from a predefined list. If you wish to add a custom header, select the last option (named Enter custom header) from the predefined list, and enter the header name in the email header input field.
The available email headers for selection from the predefined list are:
Archive file | 7z, 7zip, 7zip2, ace, alz, apk, arc, arj, ark, bz2, bzip, bzip2, cab, gz, gz2, gzip, gzip2, img, iso, lz, lzh, lzma, lzo, lzx, rar, rz2, sea, sfx, sqx, tar, tgz, vhd, vhdx, xz, xz2, zip, zip2, zipx |
Image file | bmp, exif, gif, jfif, jpe, jpeg, pcx, png, svg, tif, tiff |
Audio file | aac, flac, m4a, m4p, mp3, ogg, ra, wav, wma |
Video file | 3gp, asf, asx, avi, divx, flc, flv, flx, h264, m4e, m4v, mkv, mp4, mpeg, mpeg(1-9), mpg, ogm, ogv, ogx, rm, vob, webm, wmv, xvid |
Document file | csv, doc, docx, epub, htm, html, log, ods, odt, ppt, pptx, txt, xhtml, xls, xlsx, xml |
PDF file | |
Executable file | bat, bin, cmd, com, cpl, deb, dll, elf, exe, gadget, hta, inf, jar, js, jse, msc, msh, msi, msp, pif, ps1, reg, rpm, scf, scr, sh, so, sys, vb, vbe, vbs, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh |
Next to the header selection, you will find the header comparison drop-down menu which allows you to specify how the filter should match the specified header. The available options are:
You can enter the exact match string in the input field next to the comparison menu. The match string does not require an exact word match, so if you are using hi as a match string, the words high and Ohio will be considered a successful match. Wildcards are not supported when adding a header filter.
Right below the Header filters subsection of the hosting Control Panel's Mail Manager section, you will find the Active filters subsection where all your currently active filters will be listed.
If you have more than one active filter, the filters will be processed from top to bottom. The filter at the top will have the highest priority, so it will be checked first for matching, and the filter at the bottom will have the lowest priority, so it will be checked last, after all the other filters.
By default, new filters will be added with the highest priority (at the top of the active filters list). If you wish to change the priority of the header filters, click on the Filter priority goes from top (highest) to bottom (lowest). Click here to unlock and rearrange filters. link. This will unlock the active filter list, and you will be able to change the position of the filters by using the drag-and-drop method or up/down arrow keys next to each filter. The active filters list will always be in a locked state when you open the page.
Only the first filter that matches a message will be processed. Any matching filters with lower priority will be ignored.
If Additional filtering (see below) is enabled, the filter for non-filtered messages always have the lowest priority, and this cannot be changed.
Through the Additional filtering subsection of the hosting Control Panel's Mail Manager section, you can create a filter for your mailboxes that will perform a Filter action for all messages that do not match any of your active header filters. Please use this feature with caution as if you add a default local filter for the mailbox, none of the global filters will be processed for that mailbox.
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