In this section, you can create your own promo codes. For every separate promotion, you can have distinct affiliate bonus and referral discount settings. People who visit your affiliate link will be able to take advantage of the specified referral discount, and you will receive your affiliate bonus as a commission once an order is placed. In the Description field, you can enter a value which helps you identify the purpose of the promotion. Status allows you to activate or deactivate a particular promotion. The Your Bonus / Referral Discount slider allows you to set the bonus/discount ratio for this promotion. The promo codes can be applied only to new hosting purchases and cannot be applied to renewal payments or other services, such as domain registration/transfer/renewal, SSL certificates, parked domains, and other additional resources. The table at the bottom dynamically visualizes how the selected bonus/discount ratio would affect the affiliate bonus and referral discount amounts, and also how the final price for the end customer changes. The promo code can be used for puchasing a hosting account in any of our datacenters.
If you create a promo code for a discount of 10%, then your referrals will be able to order with it services from us at a 10% lower price, while your affiliate bonus will be 65%. If the code discount is 30%, your affiliate bonus will be 45%. You can even choose to deliver the whole affiliate bonus to your customers/visitors/friends and provide a promo code for a discount of 75%. You will still receive renewal commission(s) in this case.
You can create as many promo codes as you need - for different discount levels, to be used on different sites/places, etc.
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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