For a full listing of current features, please refer to
We are always trying to expand our service portfolio and include new features as soon as they are available.
Our standard 100-day full money-back guarantee covers this service, too. You can request a full refund only in the following cases:
1. If you haven’t submitted any requests for Site Cleanup.
2. If we were unable to clean the website after a Site Cleanup request.
This service covers a single website. The definition of a website can vary but, in general, a website is:
1. A piece of software located in a single directory tree.
2. A piece of software that uses a single database with a single database prefix.
3. In the case of a dynamic website, the website is controlled through a single interface.
Once attached to a hosting account, the service cannot be transferred to another account. You would need to purchase the service for the other account separately.
Since WordPress multisite installations share the same files and are hosted on a single account, we treat this as a single website.
On such occasions, you should purchase the service for each website/URL you want to utilize it.
For these sites, the same rules apply - if it is a separate website, you need to pay separately for each website cleanup. Contact us first, however, as if it is a development site, we may be able to copy over the cleaned website, in which case we won't charge you additionally.
The Site Cleanup is a subscription service, and it is paid on an annual basis. It is activated from the moment you pay for it for one year. If the service extends past the hosting subscription and you decide not to renew your hosting account associated with the service, the remaining months are considered void.
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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