To order a new hosting account, first click on Hosting Resources > "Hosting Accounts" at the left menu (if it is not already selected). Then click on the "Order Hosting" button in the upper right corner to open the order form. This order form cannot be used for renewing existing hosting accounts.
On the first step, you need to enter the domain name of the new account, choose whether it will be a new domain registration, a domain transfer, or without a domain, choose the server location, the hosting plan, and the length of the purchased subscription. On the right, you will see the price of the service with the discounts information.
If you choose a Domain Transfer, you need to have unlocked the domain at the current registrar, as well as obtain its EPP authorization code. You need to enter the code in the EPP field, so that we are able to initiate the domain transfer.
Also, you can enter the contact details of the new account and domain registration (if it is a new domain). By default, the contact details of the account are already filled with the details of your Reseller account. If you want your customer to receive the Welcome e-mail as well, you can change the details. Note that if you want to receive the Welcome e-mail as well, you should set the option "Send directly to my customers with a copy to me" at the "Account & Clients" -> "My Account" -> "Custom templates" -> "Customize Welcome E-mail" section. Please refer to the Editing the default Welcome e-mail template help section for additional details.
On the second step, you can revise the details for the new account and confirm them, or add the item to your shopping cart.
On the third step, you need to choose your appropriate payment method.
After you place the order, proceed to the checkout screen. Once the payment is confirmed, the account will be opened within 15 minutes.