The "Manage Ownership" > "Manage Billing" interface allows the management of certain billing properties of services in your Account Panel.

The Client setting

The Client setting of each account/service defines who and how can pay for the specific account. The Client types are listed at the "Client Management - No Client/ICDSoft Store/Your own store" section.

Changing the billing management of a hosting account

You might want to change the Client associated with a hosting account in some (but not all) of the following scenarios:

  • transfer the billing management of the account from you (the reseller, "No Client - Reseller Managed") to a Client from the "Clients" section, and the Client is set to use ICDSoft as hosting provider (Buys From set to ICDSoft Store).
  • transfer the billing management of the account from you (the reseller, "No Client - Reseller Managed") to a Client from the "Clients" section, and the Client is set to use you as hosting provider (Buys From set to your own store).
  • set the account as No Client - Reseller Managed, so that only you can manage its billing, through the Account Panel,

To change the Client type of a hosting account, you need to:

1. Select the hosting account.
You can select a hosting account (or any other service) by typing a part of its name in the Select services field. A drop-down with the results will show the matching services, ordered by type. You can select the proper service from the dropdown menu. Hosting accounts are marked with their username@server convention, while domain names are listed simply by the domain name.

2. Set the proper value in the Client field.
The Client field will display a list of your Clients, as well as the No Client - Reseller Managed value.

3. Press the Change button.

Changing the discounted domain of a hosting account

The discounted domain of a hosting account is the domain that is purchased at a lower price, in a package with the hosting account. Each hosting account comes with one discounted domain. Usually, this would be the main domain of a hosting account, but in some cases you might want to change it - for example, if you plan to change the main domain of a hosting account, and you will not be renewing the old domain. To change the discounted domain of an account, you need to:

1. Select the domain.
Enter a part of the domain name in the Select services field. Select the domain you want to set as discounted.

2. You will see the Client currently associated with the domain, as well as the hosting account it is part of. In the Group field, set the Discounted domain option.
If the account already has a discounted domain set (usually, this would be the previous main domain of the account), you will see a warning that the previous domain would no longer be treated as discounted.

3. Press the Change button.

NOTE: Discounted domains cannot be moved to another hosting account or set as standalone domain, unless the hosting account they are pushed from has another "extra" domain, which will be set as "discounted" in the place of the moved domain. In this case, the Change button will be grayed out.

Moving/pushing a domain to another hosting account for billing, standalone domains

A domain under your Account Panel can either be a part of a hosting account (as discounted or extra domain), or it can be a standalone domain. A discounted domain is purchased/renewed with a discount in the package with the hosting account, while extra and standalone domains are purchased at their full price, according to our Domain Pricing List.

Using the "Manage Ownership" > "Manage Billing" interface, you can change the Billing Management status of a domain, "attach" it to another hosting account for billing (making it a discounted or extra domain there), or set it as a standalone domain.

1. Select the domain.
Enter a part of the domain name in the Select services field. Select the domain you want to move/manage.

2. Set the proper billing type (No Client - Reseller Managed or Client) from the Client field. This will be the new Client associated with the domain.

3. Select the hosting account you will be attaching the domain to, and the proper Group.
If no hosting account is selected, the domain can be set as Standalone domain (not attached to any hosting account) in the Group field.

4. Press the Change button.