Mar 20, 2020
We now offer free months of hosting to customers moving from another provider where they have an unused period of their hosting subscription. To receive the compensation, clients must provide proof of the remaining time with the previous provider such as screenshots showing service due date, service-related receipts/invoices, or similar.
The maximum free hosting period we can add depends on the hosting plan:
- For shared hosting plans - up to 6 months.
- For VPS hos...
Feb 7, 2020
At ICDSoft we know how hard it is to build and maintain a successful business. This is why we have always done our best to help our clients and partners by developing tools and solutions for every business - from small web agencies to high-volume companies.
This year we decided to help growing businesses by providing them with a rebate amounting to the total value of their new hosting purchases made in 2019. We hope this will give our partners a solid base to continue their growth i...
Jan 21, 2020
Today we released a new feature for our Online Stores system. Following up on the recent releases of the Account Panel for end clients, and the Clients interface allowing you to group services under a single Client entity, we are now releasing the Account Panel for Clients in an Online Store.
In the following paragraphs we will give a short overview of the ICDSoft Online Stores system and its components.
A quick overview of the ICDSoft Online Stores system
Jan 13, 2020
The recent introduction of the Account Panel for clients was just the first step towards our new client management model. It is now time for the second step that will further enhance the CRM-like experience for our partners and resellers. Meet our new Clients feature - an easier way to manage your end clients and their hosting services.
What is this Clients feature?
Simply put, it is an easy way to manage service ownership and group multiple services under...
Dec 12, 2019
We have introduced a new administrative Account Panel for the clients of our reseller partners. It provides end clients with their own hosting management interface and allows them to easily make new purchases and upgrades.
This is a great feature for agencies and developers who don't wish to be the hosting provider for their clients, but still need access to their clients' hosting services. For example, you could easily build a website for a client and keep it connected to y...
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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