Jul 12, 2019
We would like to announce a significant change in our pricing policy for Managed Virtual Private Servers. All current single-site VPS plans will now come at a much lower price, as follows:
Also, we are introducing one more single-site VPS plan called
Startup. It comes with 2 CPU cores, 4 GB of RAM, and 50 GB of SSD
space, at the price of $49 USD/month.
You can check and compare...
Oct 30, 2018
We would like to annouce that our discounts table was updated today, and the discounts for new hosting services are increased. All existing customers and resellers can now get new hosting services at an even lower price.
Customers with one account can now order their next hosting account with 40% discount, instead of the previous 20% discount. Resellers with six or more accounts up until now were getting 50% discount on new purchases, and this discount is now increased to 90%.
Dec 4, 2015
Given our close-to-zero marketing budget, the Reseller program could be considered our main marketing tool. That's why we are constantly looking into improving the experience of our resellers and optimizing their operations. Following this goal, today we extended the Overdraft feature specifications, so that it is now enabled for a greater number of our resellers.
The Overdraft in the Reseller Panel allows resellers to purchase and renew services without submitting a payment thr...
Oct 26, 2015
We have always paid special attention to our reseller program, as it is an essential part of our business model. The success of our resellers will be our own success as well, and we are well aware how important it is our resellers to have the proper tools for their operations.
Our software team released today a new tool in our Reseller Panel - the Online Stores. Its main purpose is to allow resellers to automate the ordering process, and thus assist them in growing a successful rese...
Mar 5, 2015
A new version of the Reseller Panel interface is now available to our resellers. It comes with a new design and additional features, such as improved order history, account balance refills and payments from the balance, as well as an overdraft feature for larger resellers.
Our resellers are a vital part of our company business model and vision for the future. Our own marketing budget has always been near zero, as we direct our efforts and resources towards the hosting service itself...
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.
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